Le Studio at La Maison des Artistes Visueles

Winnipeg, Manitoba

May 5-25 2017

Turismo is guiding and focussing attentions onto specific objects and spaces. The words in Turismo are approximations. The art features irrelevant history, like multiple seasons of reality shows where the self-contained history of the show are completely disregarded as a way to make room for the format. The objects which inspired the work exist without names, only as descriptions of what they are: "A note found attached to a telephone pole" - "The arrangement of a triangular chunk of concrete set on top of tree trunk". The new objects are created as parts of histories I have constructed for them. I can't invigorate the anthropology of this neighbourhood with importance. Unless the events become religious. Unless the supernatural, flowing unseen through the neighbourhood like a paranormal storm-cloud, gives everything reverent meaning.

The aim of the exhibition is to guide vision temporarily. This must remain a matter of control. Turismo is a means of restructuring a set of objects into talismans. The objects are partial artifacts, documented and torn apart as they are viewed. I hope they don't paint a narrative. I hope they act as a snapshot of a scene. An archaic means of capturing moments in space. All of the source objects texts and images are found within 500 meters of the gallery. I have tried to frame the work, essentially, through a divining circle, like looking through a telescope and focussing on the periphery shadow.